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  • Brown, James Dean. (2014). The Future of World Englishes in Language Testing. Language Assessment Quarterly, 11, 5-26.
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  • Brunfaut, Tineke. (2014). Interview: A Lifetime of Language Testing: An Interview with J. Charles Alderson. Language Assessment Quarterly, 11, 103-109.
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  • Butler, Yuko Goto, Zeng, Wei. (2014). Young Foreign Language Learners' Interactions During Task-Based Paired Assessments. Language Assessment Quarterly, 11, 45-75.
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  • Pan, Mingwei, Tai, Zhonghua. (2014). Designing and Analyzing Language Tests: A Hands-on Introduction to Language Testing Theory and Practice. Language Assessment Quarterly, 11, 120-124.
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  • Park, Kwanghyun. (2014). Corpora and Language Assessment: The State of the Art. Language Assessment Quarterly, 11, 27-44.
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  • Zhang, Limei, Goh, Christine C M, Kunnan, Antony John. (2014). Analysis of Test Takers' Metacognitive and Cognitive Strategy Use and EFL Reading Test Performance: A Multi-Sample SEM Approach. Language Assessment Quarterly, 11, 76-102.
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  • Knoch, Ute. (2014). Using subject specialists to validate an ESP rating scale: The case of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) rating scale. English for Specific Purposes, 33(Jan), 77-86.
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  • Dronjic, V. & Helms-Park, R. (2014). Fixed-choice word-association tasks as second-language lexical tests: What native-speaker performance reveals about their potential weaknesses. Applied Psycholinguistics, 35(1), 193-221.
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  • Li, Jia, & Curtis, Andy. (2012). English language assessment and the Chinese learner. TESOL Quarterly, 46(1), 213-215.
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  • Pulido, Diana. (2011). Measuring second language vocabulary acquisition. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 33, 471-472.
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  • Poehner, M. E. (2012). The zone of proximal development and the genesis of self-assessment. The Modern Language Journal, 96, 610-622.
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  • Stoynoff, Stephen. (2012). Research agenda: Priorities for future research in second language assessment. Language Teaching, 45(2), 234-249.
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  • Elder, C., Barber, M., Staples, M., Osborne, R. H., Clerehan, R. & Buchbinder, R. (2012). Assessing health literacy: A new domain for collaboration between language testers and health professionals. Language Assessment Quarterly, 9, 205-224.
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  • Fulcher, Glenn. (2012). Assessment literacy for the language classroom. Language Assessment Quarterly, 9, 113-132.
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  • Gan, Zhengdong. (2012). Complexity measures, task type, and analytic evaluations of speaking proficiency in a school-based assessment context. Language Assessment Quarterly, 9, 133-151.
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  • Gui, Min. (2012). Exploring differences between Chinese and American EFL teachers' evaluations of speech performance. Language Assessment Quarterly, 9, 186-203.
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  • Huang, Shu-Chen. (2012). Pushing learners to work through tests and marks: Motivating or demotivating? A case in a Taiwanese university. Language Assessment Quarterly, 9, 60-77.
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  • Kang, Okim. (2012). Impact of rater characteristics and prosodic features of speaker accentedness on ratings of international teaching assistants' oral performance. Language Assessment Quarterly, 9, 249-269.
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  • Li, Hongli, & Suen, Hoi K. (2012). Are test accommodations for English language learners fair?. Language Assessment Quarterly, 9, 293-309.
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  • Pae, Hye K., Greenberg, D., & Morris, Robin D. (2012). Construct validity and measurement invariance of the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-III Form A. Language Assessment Quarterly, 9, 152-171.
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